Jim Carroll appears to be on the warpath. He ardently believes that our traditional ways of thinking about business, and the skills that support that thinking, are obsolete. To that end, he has created a manifesto for The Masters of Business Imagination aka The Masters of Business Innovation. I think it is both a fun and a smart read as he takes on the premise of our MBA-centric business environment by proposing that a new, forward-looking, innovative set of skills are needed for success in the emerging global economy. In Jim's words:
Complacency in a time of rapid, disruptive change can be a death sentence - not only for organizations, but for the careers and skills of those who work there!
It's time to abandon the thinking that has had you anchored firmly to the past - and to shift your focus to the future, with enthusiasm, motivation and imagination.
You can do this by abandoning any pretense that the skills of yesterday will be important tomorrow. Figuratively and literally, it is time to move beyond the thinking that has led us to a world of MBA's - Masters of Business Administration - and focus upon the critical skill that will take you into tomorrow.
The world doesn't need more administrators. It needs more MBI's - Masters of Business Imagination!
Carroll identifies the core attributes and attitudes which individuals awarded with the new degree should possess. You can read his Masters of Business Innovation Outline document here and, in PDF form, here.