Every single company I have spoken to in the past six months has simply not understood social media and the implications for their business. More distressing is the failure of the marketing organizations I have spoken with to realize how fundamentally social media is changing the rules of their game.
Francois Gossieaux has thought about the problem as well and posts on his blog, emergence marketing, that social media is more than just another channel.
Unlike email, which was a new channel of communication with customers, social media is not a new channel. Social media is what transformed the rules of marketing. By providing a platform of participation to your employees, customers and prospects, social media has changed the fundamental pillars of the marketing game. Not only have the rules of game changed, so have the players, the scope, the tactics and the added values - to use the game theory elements of the game.
So the end goal of marketing has not changed - it still is to create a customer. It is everything in between to get to that goal that has changed! And you will not get there by monitoring the new social media channel. The only way you will get there is if you understand the new rules, the new players and all the other elements of the marketing game.
Hi Bill - thank you for continuing the conversation.
Posted by: francois gossieaux | June 22, 2008 at 04:05 PM